
Customer Testimonials

Read for yourself what great things our customers have to say about Mike Kuchera's South Dakota Guide Service, Inc.
Mike and Debra, 

Thank you for hosting another outstanding hunt this year. Everything was perfect. All my participants had a wonderful time. Debra, your dogs this year are the best you have ever had. It was a joy to watch them work. I really appreciate your friendship.

- George M, Houston, TX

Mike & Deb, 

Thank you very much for putting on an outstanding hunt. This was a father,sons, and son-in-law trip that will be remembered by us for a very long time. The company was outstanding. The obvious pre-planning and organization you put into our hunt was obvious. The hunting was great and the birds were great. I also appreciate the attention you showed me and my boys even though we were the newcomers. I hope you have a great year. Thank you.

- Mark N, Midland TX

Mike & Debra, 

Thank you for your hospitality and taking care of Dad and I while we were hunting out there. Everything was first class. Dad and I will be back next year.

Watching the dogs work in the field was my highlight. Debra thank you!    
All the best,

- Chase B., Baton Rouge, LA

Mike and Debra, 

I have been on a few pheasant hunts over the years, I was at one time an avid quail hunter, but I will say the time spent with you this week was one of the most memorable hunts of my life. I hope to be able to join you for many years to come.

You all run a very top notch operation. It was easy to see that you all have passion for what you do and put your heart into every detail.    

Thank you for a great experience.

- Brent L. Fort Worth, TX

Mike and Debra, 

Some of my best memories occurred hunting with you in South Dakota over the past 20 years. This year was no exception. Our group has evolved over the years, and each year has been special. The people, the birds, the weather, the characters and the dogs have made for such wonderful fun.

Thank you for again providing an outstanding pheasant hunting experience. My first timers would not stop talking about it.  

- George M. Houston Texas



Just a note to say thanks for your hospitality on the WalMart Great Outdoors show. Deb and you, along with your guys do a great job with all the accommodations, and doubtlessly, the hunting is by far the BEST in the country. We shall return with family and friends.


- Jack Youngblood |  L.A. Rams Football Great 
Appeared as Host on Wal-Mart Great Outdoors with Mike  |  10/2001

Mike, Debra, Audrey, Mel and Sondro:

 I just wanted to thank you for a memorable trip. My guys and boss said it was “The Best Hunting Trip” they have ever been on both the hunting and the hospitality. Make you run a world class operation. I look forward to many years of hunting with your outfit. Last year was amazing but that last day reminded me of hunting in Mitchell 20 years ago. It was Insane” Just wanted you to know that you are the best. I appreciate the gift and the memories.  

- Eric F | Dallas TX | emailed 10/28/16


I want to thank you and Debra for the best guided hunt that I have ever experienced. Organized, safe, great mix of folks, and successful. I can’t think of anything that would have made it better, with the exception of better shooting on my part. You guys should be very proud of how you go about your business. Thanks again and can’t wait until next year.

- M Thompson |  Dallas, TX | emailed 12/07/16

A big thank you to everyone from all of us for a great job.

Also please say Thank you to the gang at Jimmy’s, Leroy and Royce and Donna.
We arrived home safely and excited about coming back next year.

- Bob M  |  Calgary AB Canada || emailed 11/04/14

“Mike & Deb----Just a word of appreciation for a good hunt and hospitality during our trip to Mitchell. If you find yourself in Alabama please stop in and plan to stay a couple days. Again thanks----Jerry”

- Jerry W.  |  Birmingham, AL  |  emailed 10/06/14

Mike, Deb & Audrey, 

 Thank you very much for another great hunt. We appreciate very much how easy you make this trip come together. We always enjoy the short time we get to spend with you!!

- Greg J. | VP of large company based out of Birmingham AL who brings large groups | emailed 10/11/11 

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